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Department of Plant Sciences

Enological Laboratory

Viticulture and Enology

Fruit and Olive


The Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

Plant Physiology

Soil microbiology

Aromatic and Medicinal Plants



Director's Office


Institute Staff

General Research Concept

Educational Activities



Department of Plant Sciences


Application and improvement of modern technologies in production of vegetables in the field and protected facilities (greenhouses/glasshouses) is the fundamental task of the group conducting research on vegetables. They research the influence of abiotic (water, salt, temperature) andbiotic stress factors (whiteflies, aphids, viruses) on the morphological and physiological changes in plants, and the consequent yield and quality of crops. The group is continuously active in the collection and conservation of valuable autochthonous species, such as the kale, as well as in the introduction of new vegetable species and cultivars.

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