Organisation structure
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Central Department

Laboratory Equipment

Greenhouses and Controlled Environment Rooms and Chambers

Collection Plantations

Experimental Wine Cellar

Experimental-Commercial Mill

The Library and Collection of Insects



Director's Office


Institute Staff

General Research Concept

Educational Activities



Central Department

Collection Plantations:

The Institute established perennial (permanent) collection plantations of indigenous varieties of olives, almonds, cherries, sour cherry, figs, pomegranates, and grapes, citrus and medicinal sage. They are located at sites Duilovo and Kastel Stari. The significance of these plantations is in the preservation of indigenous gene pool and biodiversity of the Adriatic region of Croatia, and the further selection and breeding with the aim of obtaining new cultivars of high quality. They also represent wealth in terms of the continued use through scientific experiments.

In addition to perennial crops, seasonal crops of vegetables, flowers and herbs are grown in trial fields, too.

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